Friday, November 6, 2015

No Longer Listening to Social Media Lies

Hello sweet friends. 

Last month I wrote a quick post on my personal blog about how social media can lie to us and make us feel inferior. 
I wanted to talk more about that because I still feel myself struggling with it. 

Often times we are scrolling through our various social media - gazing at all the adorable families, amazing activities, delicious looking recipes, and perfectly worded quotes. 

Then we start to compare. 

We start wishing that our lives looked a little more like theirs. 

Their children have gorgeous little smiles and adorable style, while my son is fighting to wear any type of clothing. 
They have delicious, healthy, organic meals while I just warmed up some left over pizza. 
There are sweet little quotes corresponding with a kissing picture of them and their spouse, while my husband just left for work and I said some not-so-nice words. 
The house is perfectly decorated and clean and I am sure it smells like some type of Fall scent, while mine smells like pee (did I mention my son won't wear clothes?) and looks like a toy tornado flew in. 
They have these wonderful crafts and projects while my son is watching ANOTHER episode of Little Einsteins while I nurse my infant.

I don't want to feel this green monster but she creeps up on me when I am not paying attention. 

Social media can tell lies. Of course, I do not believe in airing our dirty laundry (no pun intended) and sharing every single detail of our lives with the whole world. 
And I even crop, filter, pose, and stage my instagram photos. But, friends, there is so so much more. 

Comparison is the thief of joy

Our joy gets stolen when we start looking at someone else's lives and forget what blessings we have. 

We are robbed of recognizing that, even though not every moment is "facebook worthy", our lives are so beautiful and so full of grace. 
The green monster comes and tells us that just because we dont have x,y,z or because we dont dress, act, pray, teach, lead, cook, decorate, mother like her (or them) then we are less then. 

Sisters, do not give in to that lie. 

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." - John 10:10. 

He will lie to you. The enemy will try to make you feel inadequate as a mother and as a woman (and as a wife, if you are married). He will use any tool he can to do it too. 

BUT God wants to give you life. Abundant life. Not just surviving-the-day-coffee-in-hand-messy-house life (even if that is what is happenening currently). 

His grace is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:9). 

Yes, our lives might look different then those pictures of our friends' lives on social media. But thats all that it is - different. Not less then. Not uglier. Not messier. Not more complicated. Not less satisfying. Just different. 
When that green monster starts tapping your shoulder as you scroll - tell her to shush and that your life is beautiful! 

"Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies." Phillipians 4:8 (The Message version)

Mommas, you may not have had the picture perfect day (or week, or month, or year) but know that when you focus on the good in your life and not comparing yourself to others... He is working you into His most excellent harmonies. 

And THAT is instagram worthy.



  1. What a truly delightful read :) I am so impressed at your ability to encourage others through the fun & not-so-fun personal expierences. You are an amazing wife, mother, and friend... I look forward to many more life moments turned blog ;) Great Job my love :)

  2. What a truly delightful read :) I am so impressed at your ability to encourage others through the fun & not-so-fun personal expierences. You are an amazing wife, mother, and friend... I look forward to many more life moments turned blog ;) Great Job my love :)

  3. Wow girl! I can relate to this 100%! Some days i even force myself to stay off social media for this reason. It gives such a false perception of what our daily lives really are like. I know I'm certainly guilty of only posting my "highlight reel" ;) Thanks for the encouragement this morning!

    1. awh, so so glad it encouraged you. It can be hard. I see all these momma's cute outfits, nice bodies after baby, cute crafts..... and my life doesnt look like that. But really.. my life doesnt look like what my social media portrays either. lol. I am not showing the pee stains, the spit up hair, or tantrum (from me and my children). Thats why it is so so important to not compare.

  4. Umm! I totally needed this today after my day yesterday! Thanks for posting!!

    1. awh, I am so so glad! Some days are better then others. haha.

  5. Amazingly well said. You truly have a gift with words. I needed to read this. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Awh thank you Kristy!!! You are so sweet. I am trying. Writing is really just theraputic for me... and a way for me to look back and learn and grow. So glad it encouraged you.

  6. I have spent too much of my life compairing myself to others. It is a very real struggle! I nearly quit social media all together but i decided Jesus was bigger and to lean into him to fight the lies! Thanks for these needed and true words.

  7. I love instagram! I admit that I am on there sometimes way more than I should be. I follow many inspiring christian women and moms so I truly feel encouraged when I go on there. Of course there are times when I get a little jealous of others adventures but for the most part I just love beautiful pics. When I post on there I try to put my best pictures because instagram is for visual people but along with it I try to be as real and honest as I can, even if I don't show all the messiness and craziness behind the pictures I try to tell about it. My struggle is wanting to get a lot of likes and approval from everyone. I recently have stepped back quite a bit from it in order to really look at my motives and my heart. I don't ever want to be addicted to anything but be able to take it or leave it. As with anything else social media is a platform for good or evil and it's up to us to filter it, be faithful with it and not let it consume us. Thanks for this post that I know so many can relate to and struggle with. You are right, our days are not always instagram worthy, but that's okay,because that is just life. God is working in us weather anyone else sees or not.


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"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow." -Ecclesiastes 4:9