Top Reasons to Make our Health and Fitness a Priority
Back in September, I began my journey to get my health and fitness back in check. I had basically spent two years pregnant and used it as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted and not do any sort of physical activity. I had gained weight, but that wasn’t what had bothered me. I had lost myself in this transformation into “mom.” I was not honoring the body the Lord had given me. He has blessed me with a life void of sickness, and I was not properly thanking Him for that. I sought out a program I could do from home (I couldn’t justify a gym with two under two-not happening) and began working to get my identity back. Here I am, almost five months later, feeling better about myself than I ever have. I have accomplished goals, I have grown closer to my kids and to my husband, and I’ve also set the tone for the health of my entire family. I wanted to share some of the added benefits that have come from me taking a leap into an active lifestyle.
1. You’ll Sleep Better
Any mother knows restful sleep is hard to come by. Whether you have a newborn or a teenager, rest is a precious commodity. The Sleep Foundation found that those who got in 150 minutes of exercise each week (that’s just 30 minutes 5 days a week, y’all!) fell asleep faster and stayed asleep longer. What mom wouldn’t want that in their life?
2. You Only Get One Body-Treat it Well
We all want to be around for our children as long as possible, right? However, to qualify that statement, we all want to be mobile and capable of truly experiencing life along with them, right? We only have one body with which to make that happen. We need to take care of it now, not when it begins to fall apart. The Center for Disease Control also suggested 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise to decrease your chances of early death by 40 perfect. Physical activity decreases our risk for heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
3. Our Mental Health Can Improve
This one played a particularly large role in my decision to get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. After my son was born, I began experiencing anxiety attacks. This was a scary season for me because I had never had any sort of anxiety issues before, and I had no idea what was going on with my body. According to the Mayo Clinic, "once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. Working out can definitely help you relax and make you feel better, keeping anxiety and depression from coming back." How? When you exercise, neurotransmitters and endorphins are released, and these help lessen depression and anxiety. Plus, you raise your body temperature during physical activity, which has been shown to calm nerves.
4. It Can Help with Foggy “Mom-Brain”
We’ve all been there. We’re rushing to get out the door and can’t find our keys (turns out we put them in the freezer). Or we can’t seem to figure out where we parked our car once we finally make it to the grocery store. As moms, our brains are full of so much information that some things just don’t seem to stick. What about you working moms who have an entire extra side of your life to fit in to your brains? Well, a study done by the American College of Sports Medicine found that 65 percent of the employees surveyed reported an increased ability to manage their time plus an improvement in overall mental and interpersonal performance when they were able to fit a 30 minute workout into their day versus the days they didn’t. Ladies, your brain works better when you work your body!
5. We are Modeling Healthy Behavior for our Kids
Research published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found a direct correlation in the physical activity levels between mothers and their children. Mothers who led mostly sedentary lifestyles had children who led sedentary lifestyles and were at higher risk for obesity, diabetes, chronic disease, and other ailments in adulthood. We are the ambassadors for the health and wellness of our families, mommas! Do not take this lightly. Our babies are watching and learning from everything we do and say. Plus, we’re all striving to be more like that Proverbs 31 woman, right? The Bible says “she girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong.” We want to be strong women who raise strong women (and men).
6. Higher Feelings of Self-Worth
Speaking of our children learning from everything we do and say, they listen to the way we talk about ourselves. I have a 22 month old daughter, and I want her to love herself always. That begins with me. Of course being physically active makes our bodies look better, but even setting and reaching goals can give us higher feelings of self-worth. Being stronger is something to be proud of, and I want my daughter to learn that from me.
7. Better Relationship with Our Husbands.
Higher feelings of self-worth and confidence take major pressure off of our husbands. They can speak love and adoration into us, but unless we believe it, the words return void. Along with these emotional benefits, reduced stress and added energy improves intimacy. Your men will thank you!
8. We Need that “Me” Time
The hardest part about starting my health and fitness journey was feeling guilty. It’s silly, but I felt selfish for investing money in an exercise program. I felt selfish for needing 30 minutes of each day to focus solely on myself, which sometimes meant my husband played with our kids after a long day at work, or the dishes didn’t all get done, or the laundry didn’t get folded right away. However, after a lot of reassurance from said husband who loves seeing our kids after a long day of not (who knew?), that time and investment is far from selfish. I’m a much better mother, wife, and person now that I take time for myself each day. We need that time. It’s vital. Don’t fall into that mom-guilt trap. It’s all in our heads.
I am so thankful that I finally threw inhibitions aside and put an emphasis on my health. If you’re looking for a way to do the same, I’ve made it my mission and ministry to hold the hands of ladies trying to make these same changes in their lives. It’s tough. I couldn’t have done it without my team of ladies cheering me on. You can reach out to me here or email me at We’ll come up with a game plan that works for your life and take those first steps together.
Couldn't agree more! Its never selfish to take the time to care for our bodies and state if mind! I know I wouldn't be as good a mom if I didn't stay in shape. You look great!
ReplyDeleteYep, I"m inspired! :) I love this girl.