This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 18:24
Wednesdays are usually my fighting day.. I feel like Mondays and Tuesdays are most easy to keep it together, and to thrive but Wednesdays I feel like I need more strength, grace and coffee haha. I guess it's because I feel more prepared Monday and Tuesday from prepping and cleaning all weekend.
Truth is. Sometimes thriving in life doesn't come easy. Sometimes it's hard and sometimes you have to fight for it and not let the circumstances of the day keep a good day from you.
I believe God has already given us the tools to have a good day and to keep having good days. He's given us His very power, strength and grace. In Isaiah 41:10 He said we will walk and not grow weary. So in Jesus it is totally possible to live in a place where bad days don't exist. I believe it's in the power in our words and what we declare with our mouth. The Bible says there is life and death in our words. (proverbs 18:21.
My idea of a good start to a good day is waking up at 4:00 AM before my girls to spend time with Jesus. I speak with Him and love on Him while He does the same while empowering and strengthening me in His presence. Well, last Wednesday I slept in due to the fact my daughter didn't want to sleep the night before and woke up to the kids crying and demanding breakfast. I was already exhausted by 10:00AM and couldn't wait for the day to be over and fell for survival mode. I gave up on my day and thought I'd just try again tomorrow when what I should have done was say "No! This is the day that The Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it and be well with my soul". Something I love about Holy Spirit is that He's flexible. I can come to Him in the mornings, noon or night. While my girls are awake playing with their toys or sleeping. He's available 24/7 waiting for us to come to Him and I feel as though I need to to that more often not just on the days I need Him more than ever to thrive in this life but also on the days when I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job on my own. When that's the case I need Him even more so that I don't fall for the lie believing "I got this on my own" because the second I get that mindset I lose focus on Him that makes thriving possible and when the dishes start to pile up, or we get a unexpected bill, or my toddler screamed the entire time at the store I fall into survival mode because I no longer have the reigns in my control but instead the circumstances are falling on top of me. But when I have Jesus on my heart and mind. When I trust in Him to be my thriving source and not the things I've done. I can thrive in any circumstance simply because circumstance won't matter. It's impossible to have a bad day when Jesus is in the midst of you and you know that God has already overcome any circumstance.
So my encouragement to you today sisters is to not let your circumstances good or bad define you or make your day good or bad but instead fight for your day with your declaration with your words, with your time spent with Jesus and in prayer. If you're like me and need a extra push on Wednesdays I host a prayer room every Wednesday night at 8:00 PM and would love to have you join us live on periscope as we pray and lift each other up. Our username is Arrowsandwarriors and if you have a prayer request you can email me at Arrowsandwarriors@gail.com
Heather Leigh is the founder of Arrows and warriors online ministry. She is firstly a daughter of God and loves meeting with Him early in the morning before her little arrows wake up. She is married to her best friend Leon and together have two little girls Evelynne and Liya.
Heather loves the color pink, all things coffee shops and coffee, tea parties and dress up with her girls and going on adventures and exploring through the eyes of her children as they show her glimpses of God's Kingdom.
This is sooo good. Yes yes. Sometimes I let my circumstance for that day affect my mood and my parenting. Thank you for this reminder
ReplyDeleteYes! I know that too well girlfriend! I'm determined this week to trust and find joy in Jesus this week and come to the end of my week still roaring in victory! Lol
ReplyDeleteI too have this thing with Wednesday's and many times my mood controls my day--not a good thing--so this was a much needed reminder to look for joy in all things. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAah I'm so glad I'm not the only one lol. Many blessings to you girl and I'm so glad this post brought engagement to you <3
DeleteI needed this Heather! Yesterday was a hard day. I totally wanted to give up on it. But I am also learning to turn the day around and keep my eyes on him and not on my circumstances. he is the only one that give us strength and grace to say to no to our sinful flesh and wrong attitudes. And yes so thankful that we can seek him anytime even in the midst of the chaos...he is listening and willing to fill us! Thanks as always for your timely words of encouragement!;)
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. I'm constantly battling this very thing at work and by the time I get home with my own kids I'm wiped out. I don't want to short by kids on any of the attention they deserve and need just because my days at work are so challenging. It can definitely be a fight.