Wednesday, February 3, 2016

He does all things well...even when we don't

Being a mother has a lot of different job descriptions. Not only am I the caretaker for my children but I am also a wife, a housekeeper, referee, launderer, dishwasher, decorator, teacher, mess cleaner, cook, organizer, and comforter to my family.

Lately I have really been trying to stay on top of everything and do my job well. I want my husband, my children and God to be pleased with me. I really want to be faithful with all God has given me and if I am brutally honest part of me wants my husband, my children and the world to see that I can do all these things... and do them well.

I get so deflated when I try so hard to do everything and please everyone, and I still fall so short and fail miserably some days. One day I can feel like I am on top of the world as I homeschool my children, meal plan, cook,  keep the house somewhat clean and the laundry under control all with a great attitude. The next day the laundry is overflowing, I have lost my temper with my pupils, and the house looks like it has been through a tornado. I feel like I am in good company and know that you probably go through these roller coaster days also.

On the days when things aren't going as I planned, and not only are my children having attitude problems but I am the biggest baby of them all; I have been asking God to help me to turn my attitude around and not let the rest of the day go in the wrong direction.

Even if I am super organized, have all my meals planned and cooked, keep the house clean, stay on top of lesson planning and homeschooling, pursue my passions and outlets; there are still going to be days when I am just not going to be able to do it all. There are going to be days when my children's and I's sin natures are throwing a protest making it hard to find joy and peace. These are the days when I have to surrender and admit that I am not in control, I am not perfect, I am weak...and He is strong.

When we admit our weakness and our need for Jesus' grace and strength every moment of the day; we will find it, and all the pressures we put on ourselves to perform will be released.

Mama, if you are like me and no matter how hard you try some days, still find yourself messing up; know that it's okay. We are not made to be robots. We are imperfect beings with a perfect Savior. Even if we don't realize our shortcomings and failings, Jesus sees into our hearts and our motives. He is able redeem us and make us more like him every day.

When you have lost your temper, have cleaned up one too many cheerios, have felt the excruciating pain of stepping on a mine field of legos and have been worn out arguing with your strong willed child; call out to the one who made you in his image and is able to use your weakness' for his glory.

When you are scratching your head wondering how your day has turned upside down when you have tried so hard to do everything right; remember that there is grace for you. God wants us to give us and our families our best, but that doesn't mean that everything will always go perfectly. God is not looking down on us only seeing our shortcomings, he sees that we are trying our best and knows that we truly can do nothing without him.

I have been really trying to point out my children's strong points instead of their failings lately. I know that as our Father, God is not focusing on everything we do wrong but wants to encourage us in what we are doing right.

As we go about our day with all our many tasks and plans, I pray that we will allow God to work in us and through us despite our weakness' and help us to see that every failure is an opportunity to cry out to God and admit our great need for him... because he is the only one who does all things well.

                                          "He does all things well." Mark 7:37


  1. Rebekah, I can so relate to this! With 5 kids, (homeschooling 4 of them) cooking, cleaning, writing- it can all get a little crazy sometimes! There are days when I just want to throw in the towel and give up. I want to scream at the kids and hide in a closet. Thank the Lord for His grace! I'm learning on those not so fun days, we need a break. We go outside, go to the park or watch a little movie together. That bonding time usually settles us all down. I'm learning to embrace those times and make them fun, rather than fighting them and creating tension. Although I still get caught up in the crazy sometimes, those are starting to be further and farther between. Praise the Lord!

  2. Wow! Sounds like we have mirror lives;) Going outside or to the park is what we do also when the day is starting to go in the wrong direction. Yes. Praise the Lord for his goodness and grace to us! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I fall short - all - the - time. I guess we need to, otherwise what would salvation truly mean?! I am so thankful though that when I fall short - He does exactly (and sometimes more) than what is necessary.

    Beautiful post Rebekah.

    1. Yes, we constantly need to see our need for him! Thanks so much Jen! xoxo

  5. You speak on the behalf of most women in the stages of motherhood. Well done.

  6. Such truth! I have been thinking a lot lately how motherhood is a continuous work. Thank you for sharing this great encouragement!

  7. Isn't that a hard lesson to learn? Recently I started realizing that I can only accomplish 4-6 things in a day, realistically, and it's been a real eye-opener to know that. I've been trying to trust that if I put God first, He'll make sure I get the important stuff done.

    1. It's so easy to try to think that we can do it all but the truth is we can't, but he will give us the strength to do what HE wants us to do:)

  8. Well said, Rebekah! Thanks for sharing this inspirational post with #SocialButterflySunday! Looking forward to you linking up again this week :)


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"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow." -Ecclesiastes 4:9