Friday, April 1, 2016

Where is Your Ministry?

I see you sitting there with your third cup of coffee, brain still foggy from sleep or lack there of, shoving the baby’s paci back in her mouth for the seventeenth time because let’s face it, it is far too early for crying. Your brain just can’t process it yet.

You log onto Facebook and the first thing you see is that your church is in need of volunteers for a special event coming up. Immediately guilt creeps in because you just can’t minister the way you used to. You think surely God must be disappointed in you because you just aren’t able to be on the worship team anymore or come in on a Saturday to help with your church’s food pantry.

Well mama, let me tell you something that it’s taken me almost three years to get through my head.
It’s okay.
 This season with your babies is so fleeting. They are only tiny for so long.
These babies, your day to day activities, THESE are your ministries right now.
Every time you wipe a chocolate covered face, kiss an owie, read a story for the 400th time you are sowing into your babies’ lives.

Matthew 25:40New Living Translation (NLT)

40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,[a] you were doing it to me!"
Every time you smile at a cashier, tip your waitress a little more than they deserved, let someone pull in front of you in traffic-you’re a ministry.

Every time you pray for a person over Facebook you’ve never met, encourage a friend going through a rough time, take your babies to great grandma’s house to bring her some joy-you’re a ministry.

So mama’s remember, just because you stay at home doesn’t mean what you’re doing isn’t significant to the Kingdom. It’s the little everyday moments that end up making the biggest difference.

Your everyday life is your ministry, so who says being a stay at home mama doesn’t matter?

 Sarah is married to her best friend and together they have two beautiful girls. She enjoys photography, singing on the worship team at her Church, baking goodies for friends, and is a recovering chocoholic. ;)

Her heart and passion is for babies and fighting for the lives of the unborn.

Her desire is to show the world that children are amazing blessings from God and to encourage Mamas in this walk of Motherhood.


  1. SO so good!!

  2. I love this. I battled that and still do sometimes. I had to give up the youth ministry because I just couldn't devote the time at this point. It did open up a new ministry opportunity for me that definitely fits this season in my life. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Yes! I love this- so very true and something we often forget.


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"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow." -Ecclesiastes 4:9