Monday, November 2, 2015

For the mom who sees herself as ordinary.

         For the mom who sees herself as ordinary.
          Can I share something with you?
                You may feel like just a mama. 
                   You may feel like just a woman.
 There are times when motherhood makes you so joyful.
And if you're anything like me there are times when you   want to make a run for the door when your husband walks in. 
There are times when you may feel ordinary. An ordinary person, woman, wife, and mother. 
But let me tell you..
You are the furthest thing from ordinary.
You are an extraordinary daughter living this extraordinary life.
You are the beauty in the ordinary that so many search for and some take for granted.
You are the one who wakes up and gives and gives.
You get tired.
You lose it sometimes and that doesn't make you  a bad mom. Despite what the world thinks what a perfect mom is.
  Jesus has something else to say about you!
He has a plan for you and your family! To prosper, to bring hope and a great future.
(See Jeremiah 29:11)
You are a mom for such a time as this!  
(See Esther 4:14)
Because your hope is in Him His strength lives in you and girlfriend,  You will soar even on the hardest days!  
(See Isaiah 40:31)
You have been called to heal the sick and raise the dead!
(See Matthew 10:8)
We are not just moms but also Daughters of The Most High God! Because of Jesus we can not only come boldly to our Father but also confidently into His Awesome presence anytime we want and need too! 
 (See Eph 3:12)
You are clothed in strength and in Dignity! And there is no need for you to worry about your future. 
(See proverbs 20:25)
God is within you and you will not fail!!
 (See Psalms 46:5)
You are loved with an Everlasting love! 
(see Jeremiah 31:3)
God is in the Midst of you and you will not be moved!
 (see Psalms 46:5)
There will be days when people will question you as a mom.. They will question your ability, your boldness, your wisdom, your beliefs and your parenting skills.. 
There will even be days when people criticize everything you do as a mama.. 
But don't lose heart dear sister..
God doesn't think that... at all!
 In fact He sees your heart, your soul, your intentions and He is pleased. He sees that you try your hardest with what you have and that you are doing what you feel is best!
In His opinion you are most qualified to raise the children you have. And if anyone can raise that little joy running around your house like a little crazy person, you can!
 You are an extraordinary mama doing an extraordinary job. You are raising the future and making a difference for tomorrow.


  1. Amen amen. Such great truth in here. I often question myself but I do need to look into the word and remind myself. Thank you.

    1. Thanks love! Same here. My goal is to think and meditate on those things early in the morning so if all does go wrong my mindset will already be fixed on Jesus

  2. I love this!!! Some days I don't feel like I'm doing my kids justice. Thank you for these sweet reminders.

    1. I feel you girl!!! I struggle with mommy guilt sometimes but God is so awesome to renew my mind when doubt creeps in :)


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"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow." -Ecclesiastes 4:9