Friday, February 19, 2016

love your after baby body

As moms our bodies change.

Sometimes we can even look in the mirror and not recognize the woman staring back at us. Then all the pressure from society tells us we need to get back into our "pre pregnancy" weight/body. We are bombarded with pictures of "perfect" bodies with toned abs, gorgeous hair, and fresh faces.

While pregnant we were being stretched out. Nourishing these precious little ones before our arms could hold them. Maybe we ended with stretch marks. Maybe our hips are wider now or our booty is larger then it was. Maybe our mid section has a little sag to it (that's me!) and resembles more of a stretched out balloon then a washboard.
Social media reminds us of these insecurities with people telling us how we need to do a so-many-day-fix or wrap something or take supplements or whatever to achieve the "perfect" body.

We are once again reminded of the lie that happiness = an ideal weight.

I want to remind you of the voice that says you are beautiful at every size, every stage of life, at every age, and every moment!

Your worth  does not come from a number on a scale or a pant size. It does not come from if you are bathing suit ready or not.

The Bible says you are worth  more then rubies.
You, exactly how you are NOW. Not how you looked before you had kids, not how you looked at your best. Now, with stretch marks, loose skin, under eye circles, flabby arms, wide hips, bigger thighs, etc.
The Lord sees you and calls you beautiful .

Your worth isn't defined by your outward appearance.
It's defined by your ability to love, your constant devotion to your family and friends. It's by your sweet nature and determination. It's defined by your kindness and your strength.
It's not even because your husband finds you beautiful (although that is an amazing feeling).

Your worth comes from the God of the universe, who made you perfect in His eyes and created you in HIS image. He knew you and formed you to be a mother. To go through these body changes and come to the other side beautiful. Forever marked by motherhood. A reminder of how incredible your body is and what it is capable of.

I will NEVER have a pre pregnancy body because I will never have a pre pregnancy life. I had a pregnancy! I had two pregnancies that brought me two amazing little boys.
I refuse to be ashamed of that.

So I will silence the lies. I will ignore the pressure telling me that at a certain point my body should look like how it did before it helped create a child.
I will stand tall and speak life and love to my body.

Don't let someone else's definition of beauty define you.
Let's love our after baby bodies as much as our pre pregnancy bodies.

You. Are. Beautiful.

Xxoo, Monica


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks friend! I have been seeing a lot of my friends struggle in this area lately.

  2. Thank you so much. I've really been struggling with this.

    1. It's hard. Something you have to constantly work on for sure. Just remember you are beautiful!

  3. Beautifully said! I have to admit that I don't like how my pre pregnancy body looks but I have learned to give my self grace! Our bodies were GROWING A BABY!!! I always look forward to getting back in shape but I know after having a baby there is no rush. God made our bodies to adjust in their own time. Love this-->"Don't let someone else's definition of beauty define you" !!

    1. Yes. It's hard when our bodies look so so different from before. I am learning to embrace this new body. Maybe I will get it looking "better" or maybe it will look like this forever. Either way, it's ok. I am healthy and my body is amazing. Your body is amazing and did incredible work!

  4. What a wonderful article! I'm 38 weeks pregnant with my first baby so I've definitely been adjusting to my body looking different than it ever has. What a great reminder that our beauty and worth rests in the Lord, not in the world. Thank you for the encouraging words!


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"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow." -Ecclesiastes 4:9